First aid courses: The essentials for obtaining a driver's license

Acquiring a driver's license transcends the simple ability to maneuver a vehicle or navigate the complexities of traffic rules. It embodies a fundamental responsibility towards road safety, underlining the crucial importance of going beyond basic driving skills.

With this in mind, our advanced first aid training - an indispensable component of any aspiring driver's license - is essential. This specialized course, often referred to as roadside first aid training, is designed to equip future drivers with the vital knowledge and skills to respond effectively to emergency situations on the road. By focusing on accident-specific first aid techniques, the program aims to prepare participants to act confidently and effectively, thereby making a significant contribution to road safety in the canton of Fribourg.

This professional approach guarantees not only complete preparation for theobtaining a permitBut it also instills a strong sense of responsibility in drivers, enabling them to deal with the unexpected calmly and competently.

first aid geneva

First aid courses in Fribourg: Key skills taught

This intensive program enables participants to acquire a set of key skills for responding to emergencies on the road:

  • Reacting to emergencies: learning how to behave in critical situations is the first step. This involves precise gestures to react quickly and effectively.
  • Maintaining composure: Staying calm is crucial in the face of challenges. This course teaches methods for maintaining composure, facilitating thoughtful and effective reactions.
  • Communication with emergency services: Training is provided to ensure smooth communication with emergency services, guaranteeing a rapid, coordinated response.
  • First aid courses First aid: Participants learn important gestures such as putting victims in the lateral safety position, performing cardiac massage and other first aid techniques.

Learn how to react in an emergency

Roadside First Aid training aims to teach participants how to act effectively in an emergency. Whether it's evacuating quickly, taking immediate action to save lives, or simply remaining calm in difficult situations, this training provides essential skills that go beyond normal driving.

Structure of first aid courses: Combination of theory and practice

Visit first aid course is divided into two parts, integrating theory and practice for effective understanding and application of acquired skills:

  1. Theoretical part: The first phase of the course deals with the theory of emergency situations. Participants acquire the fundamental conceptual knowledge required for emergency management.
  2. Practical part: The second phase enables participants to put their skills into practice by working on mannequins. This reinforces their skills and boosts their confidence to act in an emergency.

Admission requirements Samaritan courses and certification

To take part in this essential training, future drivers must meet certain conditions:

- A total of 10 hours spread over two days.

- A minimum age of 14.

At the end of the course, participants must pass a test to certify their skills and understanding. Certification of training is compulsory for six years to obtain a student permit in Fribourg.

Commitment to road safety

Training at the first aid course in Fribourg demonstrates a strong commitment to road safety. By taking this course in Fribourg, future drivers acquire crucial skills that prepare them to face unexpected situations on the road. The aim is to train responsible drivers, ready to meet the challenges of the road with calm, competence and responsibility. This training is not simply an administrative formality, but essential to shaping well-informed, responsible drivers.

